Brewed Coffee With A Chemex
“With the Chemex, even a moron can make good coffee.”
--Dr. Peter Schlumbohm, PhD (inventor of the Chemex Coffeemaker)
I love coffee quite a bit, maybe a little too much, but despite this fact, I have never made my coffee in a Chemex. The New York Times called the Chemex Coffeemaker one of the best 100 modern devices. Invented by German inventor/chemist Dr. Peter Schlumbohm in 1941, the Chemex is a Pyrex container in an hourglass shape that is part chemistry funnel and part Erlenmeyer flask. Many coffee lovers swear by it, and it has a deeply loyal following.
This morning, I got to use my friend Laurie's Chemex. I found out there are a few different models. The one she owns has a glass handle, while the traditional version has a wooden handle.
She has an electric kettle at her place, so I just turned that on and let the water boil. While that was going, I prepared the filter. The filter comes as a square folded in half and folded in half again. I separated the corners so that three corners were on one side and one was on the other. This makes a nice little funnel shape.
Time to add coffee!
When the kettle was done boiling the water, I poured a little bit into the filter but just enough to get the grounds wet.
I impatiently waited for the coffee to "bloom". ("Blooming" is the release of gases in fresh coffee).
As soon as I saw some of the water come through, I started pouring more water into the filter.
I removed the filter by pulling in the corners of it.
I poured myself a delicious cup.
Laurie and I both enjoyed our coffees created with the help of this wonderful coffee "machine"!
Brewing coffee with one of these things was fun. It was also totally easy, and it tasted delicious. It definitely takes a bit of patience, but I felt it was worth it. I have a lot of respect for the beautiful and industrial design of the Chemex, and I may have to buy myself one in the near future.
Related Items:
Chemex Six Cup Glass Coffee Maker with Glass Handle - 6 Cup Coffee Maker
Chemex Pre Folded Circle Coffee Filter
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